Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Avenue Q...

by Robert Lopez & Jeff Marx
Golden Apple Dinner Theatre
Sarasota, FL
February 15th, 2011

You are twenty-two, and you live on Avenue Q. With a story full of colorful language and "did that just happen" moments, it's easy to forget the message of finding your purpose and realizing everything in life is only for now.

Set on the fictional street in Manhattan, Avenue Q takes us back to what it was like finding yourself after college. Presented with the puppeteers in full view, the show provides a unique musical experience once thought only for the child minded.

Avenue Q follows the story of Princeton as he moves to New York soon after obtaining his degree. Meeting his new neighbors Kate Monster, Brian, Christmas Eve, Trekkie Monster, Rod, Nicky and the superintendent Gary Coleman, Princeton navigates his new life while trying to find his purpose. Along the way we learn about Rod's closeted homosexuality and Trekkie Monster's not so secret past time. A heartfelt romance between Princeton and Kate Monster keep the story going among other hysterical situations intended for adults.

When asked to play multiple roles in a single production, the demand for top notch acting chops is paramount to the success of the show. With the exception of Brian and Christmas Eve, each cast member plays multiple characters. Playing the lead role is every actors goal and leading Golden Apple's Avenue Q is Berry Ayers. More often than not the lead actor is the anchor holding the show together, yet Ayers dubiously missed the mark. A pensive look for the majority of the performance, Ayers' lack of expressiveness was evident as I failed to connect with his characters Princeton and Rod. If Ayers' performance wasn't bad enough, Erik Emmerson's disconnected take on Brian was far less than stellar. Jenn Abreu, Ariel Blue, Alex Torres and Steve Dawson each gave fine performances as their respective character(s). The anchor for Golden Apple's Avenue Q was far and away Dianne Dawson as Kate Monster and Lucy the Slut. Dawson's pleasant and precise voice was a magnificent saving grace to this ultimately dismal production. If time helps the performance I can only imagine the wall of sound Dawson's Kate Monster may belt out towards the end of the run.

Golden Apple's cast of Avenue Q.

As a whole, I felt the cast of Golden Apple's Avenue Q failed to hit the mark of the shows potential, plain and simple. Knowing the show quite well, I could tell when lines were flubbed along with missed entrances and blown tech cues. I could go on and on with a litany of instances, but I'm sure the majority of them will smooth out as the show continues it's run. I noticed a pensive look among the actors at times and hoped for more expression and commitment to the show. As comedic as Avenue Q is, I found myself chuckling at the locked doors and microphone mishaps as opposed to the zingers I should have snickered at.
Even though I consider myself a theatre reviewer and critic at times, I must put on my foodie hat for a second and give credit where it is due with the buffet dinner before the show. Jambalaya, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, and an adequate salad bar; you get the picture. Fantastic spread and well worth the price included with the show.

Don't get me wrong, I would recommend this show to anyone who hasn't seen it before. Although I was disappointed with Golden Apple's first attempt. Avenue Q once beat Wicked for the Tony Award for Best Musical. With that being said, the potential for Golden Apple to take over the Sarasota theatre scene is in their hands. If you are planning to see Avenue Q during it's run in Sarasota, I'd recommend waiting until the latter half of the run when the cast and crew has ironed out their timing to see it.

Avenue Q plays the Golden Apple Dinner Theatre through April 10th. Be advised if you plan to have dinner beforehand they stop serving thirty minutes before showtime. Don't forget to follow us on twitter and/or facebook for the latest on the performing arts community in the Tampa Bay area.

Music of the Post - tom gabel of against me!

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